Tips Safe Using Smartphones In Public WiFi Facilities During Eid Homecoming

JAKARTA - In order to welcome the Eid homecoming season which will soon arrive, smartphone users are advised to remain vigilant when using public WiFi facilities in public places such as rest areas and terminals.

Although general WiFi connections can be very useful to stay connected to family and friends during the trip, it's important to pay attention to data security and privacy.

Menurut penelitian terbaru, serangan cyber melalui jaringan WiFi umum semakin meningkat, di mana banyaknya kasus pencurian data yang dilaporkan. Oleh karena itu, untuk membantu pengguna smartphone menjaga keamanan dan privasi mereka, berikut beberapa tips yang dapat diikuti:

By following the tips above, it is hoped that smartphone users can remain safe and protected when using public WiFi facilities during the Lebaran homecoming season. Stay alert and careful when connected to a general WiFi network to avoid unwanted data security and privacy risks.