KPU Not Present, Commission II Of The House Of Representatives Postpones Working Meeting On Elections

JAKARTA - Commission II of the DPR RI postponed the work meeting or hearing meeting (RDP) related to the holding of the 2024 General Election because representatives from the KPU could not attend the event. The chairman of the DPR Ahmad Doli said that the agenda, which was scheduled to be held on Monday, was a follow-up to the agenda of the previous meeting on March 25, 2024 regarding the implementation of the election. "However, we see that until now KPU RI friends have not been present and they have sent a letter asking for permission and then asked to be postponed because they have to attend a trial at the Constitutional Court," said Doli in the House of Representatives Commission II Meeting, the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Monday, April 1, was confiscated by Antara. Even though the KPU has submitted a permit, Doli has also asked the Secretariat of Commission II of the DPR to continue to ask the KPU to be present even though it is represented. "Likely with Bawaslu, it turns out that the Chairman of Bawaslu is present," he said.

Pada agenda tersebut, Ketua Bawaslu, perwakilan Kementerian Dalam Negeri, perwakilan Dewan Kehormatan Penyelenggara Pemilu sudah hadir di ruang sidang sekitar pukul 14.30 WIB.Rapat pun kemudian berlangsung sekitar 20 menit dan berakhir dengan keputusan penundaan rapat karena ketidakhadiran perwakilan KPU tersebut.Di sisi lain, dia pun memahami bahwa posisi KPU sedang menjadi tergugat atau tergugat di Mahkamah Konstitusi. Namun dia pun menyayangkan karena Anggota KPU yang hadir ke MK pun tidak lengkap."Kok ada satu orang yang bisa pergi, pergi ke luar, apakah dianggap tidak penting. Saya kira itu juga bakal jadi soal di Mahkamah Konstitusi," katanya.Dengan begitu, dia pun menunda rapat tersebut dan akan kembali memanggil KPU untuk menghadiri rapat yang dijadwalkan pada 14 Mei 2024."Sudah habis Lebaran sudah tenang, sudah maaf-maafan," pungkasnya.