Rules For Carrying Goods On The Roof Of The Car, Let's Check It Out Before Homecoming!

YOGYAKARTA The rules for bringing goods on the roof of the car need to be known, especially if you want to bring a lot of goods when you return to your hometown.

When returning to his hometown as in the Eid homecoming tradition, many people carry goods on the roof of the car. Usually, luggage is tied with mines and covered with tarpaulins.

So, what are the rules for bringing goods on the roof of the car? Come on, see the full information below.

The rules for carrying goods on the roof of the car are contained in Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Transportation Traffic (UU LLAJ).

Article 47 paragraph (2) of the Law explains that passenger cars or private vehicles should not be used to carry goods, but only to transport humans.

However, if the passenger car is used to transport goods, it must follow the provisions stated in Government Regulation Number 74 of 2014 concerning Road Transportation.

According to the law, the general requirements that must be met when travelers carry goods on a car are that there is a special designed cargo space and or one charge place. The number of items that can be carried on the roof also does not exceed the carrying power of the sesa with the type of vehicle aka over dimensions and overload (ODOL).

In addition, there are still technicalities carrying items on the roof of the car that need to be considered so that your homecoming trip feels comfortable and safe:

That's information about the rules for bringing goods on the roof of the car. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.