What Is Sleep Debt? Know Understanding And Impact For Health

YOGYAKARTA Some of us may not know what sleep debt is or sleep debt.

Sleep debt is the difference between the number of sleep a person needs and the actual number of sleep he gets.

Adapting AI-Care, lack of sleep hours can have an impact on a person's ability to focus and think clearly throughout the day. If this habit continues, cell deb can cause physical and mental health problems.

Well, in this article, it will be discussed in more detail about what is sleep debt, its impact on health, and the steps that can be taken to overcome it.

Quoted from WebMD, sleep debt, also known as sleep deficit is the difference between how much sleep a person needs with the actual number of sleeps he gets.

When you sleep less than your body needs, which is about 7-9 hours, it means you have a sleep debt.

For example, if you sleep for three hours when you should sleep for 7 hours, you will have a sleep debt of four hours. If you do this for the next seven days, you will be in debt of 28 hours.

Sleep debt, aka sleep debt, can increase over time and have a negative impact on physical and mental health.

The above has been mentioned that sleep debt can have a negative impact on physical and mental health.

In the short term, sleep debt can have an impact like:

Next, long-term sleep debt can have serious consequences for physical and mental health, which can also burden your relationships with others.

The health impact of sleep debt consistently includes:

One way to calculate sleep debt is to track down at night when you sleep less than 7 hours. Then count how much sleep you get less each day. So if you only sleep 6 hours on Monday to Friday, on weekends you have accumulated 5 hours of sleep debt.

Even so, the above calculation is the minimum number, because the need for sleep for each person is different. What is more important is to know what the body and mind need to function properly. The goal is to build with a fresh feeling.

If Ada feels the best after 8 hours of sleep, but feels lethargic after 7 hours of sleep, it means you need 8 hours of sleep every night. Less than that will add to your sleep debt.

That's information about what sleep debt is. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.