Hilbram Dunar Has Been Diagnosed With Large Insults Cancer Since October 2023

Presenter and radio announcer Hilbram Dunar who died today, Sunday, March 31, is known to have colon cancer since October last year.

This was conveyed by Ranu Ragusti Dunar, Hilbram Dunar's first child to the media crew after his father was buried at the Tanah Kusir TPU, South Jakarta.

"Papa was diagnosed with cancer on October 17, but the family already knows maybe from the previous five days, they told doctors so we can get ready when papa tells us," said Ranu Ragusti Dunar.

Ranu said the diagnosis of the cancer suffered by his father had entered stage four. Hilbram has also undergone chemotherapy to fight against his illness.

"When we just found out it was immediately stage four. Before chemotherapy, the first session, papa was still fine, still excited, there were no pain, still working," said Ranu.

"Often (complaining when sick), but maybe complaining to mom more often, to their children rarely. Maybe papa wants us to see papa strong, even though Mama told me," he continued.

Ranu said that Hilbram dunar is a father figure who is a role model for his children. He made his father the main example in many aspects of life.

In my eyes, papa is a person that I really admire. I grew up wanting to be a father, his family is like a father, as much as Papa. Papa is rarely angry, papa is very patient. Papa rarely complains that in front of me. What I know, papa in my eyes is the best," concluded Ranu Ragusti Dunar.