Fadli Zon Launches Filateli Books And Websites On PFI's 102nd Anniversary

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Philatelists Association (PFI) just celebrated its 102nd anniversary on March 29 yesterday. This moment felt special for the members, including Fadli Zon, who is part of the oldest hobby organization in Indonesia.

Pada peringatan tahun ini, Fadli Zon dan PFI meluncurkan buku Hindi Belanda dalam Kartu Pos Berpimbar dan websites filatelis. Acara dihelat secara simplum di Rumah Kreatif Fadli Zon, Cimanggis, Depok.

The Dutch East Indies book in the Photo Postcard is divided into three volumes; Volume 1, Panorama, Java Island, which contains all post cards from the exhibit related to natural views and buildings of the Dutch East Indies on the island of Java. Volume Two, Panorama Outside Java, which presents a Pos card featuring natural views and Indian buildings outside Java, and Volume Three, the Archipelago Cultural Panorama, which presents a number of Pos cards containing various arts and cultural relics from various regions of the archipelago.

The issuance of this book is part of the commitment of the Indonesian Filatelist Association (PFI) which is fully supported by Fadli Zon Library in encouraging the continued growth and development of filateli as a beneficial activity for the formation of the nation's character.

In addition to book publishing, PFI has also launched the pp-pfi.org website. With the launch of PFI, it is an effort to increase the understanding of the younger generation about the filateli world which is currently being abandoned along with technological advances. Through this website, it is hoped that it will be an initial knowledge for the younger generation to get to know more about stamps. This is a challenge to educate the younger generation who today may be very far from stamps.

The launch of the PFI website is also a filathical adaptation and innovation in the digital era. This digital era has become a reality that we cannot avoid. In fact, we need to face this digital era with full creativity and innovation. The use of all digital technology needs to be done for filatelists.

That is why, in addition to being a gathering place for collectors, PFI also always strives to become an agent or promoter that promotes filateli activities to students. We want to help shape the nation's character through activities that can encourage the community, especially the younger generation, in literacy activities. The hobby of filateli trains persistence, accuracy, crafts, and curiosity of various historical events and other knowledge.

With this, let's celebrate the 102nd anniversary of PFI to introduce a penchant for collecting filateli to the new generation and encourage the Indonesian people to continue to collect stamps. On the 102nd anniversary of PFI, I hope that PFI will be more active and innovative. Present at this event, Komeng, who has just been selected by members of the DPD RI as well as a number of other figures.