Homecoming Using Private Cars Must Pay Attention To This

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) predicts private vehicles to be one of the people's choices for Eid homecoming, with a total of 18.3 percent or the equivalent of 35.42 million people using private cars.

Even the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police predicts that there will be a surge in travelers in Eid al-Fitr or Lebaran 2024. The increase in the number of travelers is estimated to reach 6 percent compared to last year.

Reflecting on the data above, it is important to pay attention to many things so that homecoming trips using private cars remain safe and comfortable to their destination.

"Before going home, one thing that must be considered is physical and mental," said Aftersales and Customer Service Director of GWM Indonesia Putra Samiadji some time ago.

It is undeniable that the homecoming journey will take quite a long time, because the intended distance is also far.

"Make sure the driving time is also not too much and make sure the three to four hours stop for a break," he added.

In addition to physical and mental to rest time, the man who is familiarly called Putra said that travelers must pay attention to luggage, and pressure on car tires.

"The goods brought," he explained.

Finally, he suggested paying attention to the capacity of gasoline so that it does not run out while doing Eid homecoming.

"Certaining more economical fuel for driving should not be aggressive," he said.