British Astronomer Martin Rees Criticizes Human Delivery To Space
JAKARTA - British Royal astronomer Martin Rees stated that sending humans into space when robots can do their work effectively is a waste of public money. He also stated that space exploration should be left to billionaires and those willing to pay for their own journey.
"I am skeptical about the idea of beneficial human spaceflight," Rees said in the Lord Speaker's Corner podcast, featuring a member of the British Parliamentary High Council.
"Now that robots can do the things humans needed 50 years ago, the reason for sending people is getting weaker over time," he said.
The current Royal Astronomer's title is largely an honorary title. This title was founded by King Charles II in 1675 to advise the monarchy and was previously held by some of Britain's most prominent scientists.
Rees said space travel should only be for those willing to accept "very high risk levels", and payments should be made privately rather than by taxpayers.
British space programs have traditionally focused more on space research than manned missions.
Helen Sharman became the first British citizen to go into space when she joined the Soviet Union's Soyus TM-12 mission in 1991.
He was followed 24 years later by the Peake Team, which flew to the International Space Station as a member of the European Space Agency's astronaut corps. Four US citizens flying on NASA's mission were also born in the UK.
Rees, who was appointed Astronomer Royal in 1995, said he disagreed with Elon Musk's ambition to colonize Mars, but praised his achievements in rockets and electric cars.
"He's done a much better job than the big conglomerate that used to work for NASA in producing efficient, reusable rockets, and that would cost a real delivery of goods into space cheaper," he said.