Minister Of Trade Zulhas: Government Presents Rules For Domestic Clothing Industry

JAKARTA - Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan revealed that the government provides full support for the domestic clothing industry through the presence of two regulations.

The two regulations are the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 31 of 2023 concerning Business Licensing, Advertising, Development and Supervision of Business Actors in Trade through the Electronic System and Permendag Number 36 of 2023 regarding the policy and regulation of goods imports. "So we give high appreciation, the government, especially the Ministry of Trade, provides full support (in the clothing industry), including the birth of Permendag 31 which regulates the procedures for direct or digital sales," said Zulkifli as quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, March 27.

Zulkifli added that the regulation was issued to protect the domestic clothing industry and supervise trade by business actors. This rule is also a refinement of Permendag 50/2020 which also regulates electronic trading. In Permendag 31/2023 there are six main arrangements that distinguish between Permendag 50/2020, namely, first, the definition of a business model for Trade Organizers Through Electronic Systems (PPMSE) such as market workshops or marketplaces and social commerce to facilitate guidance and supervision. Second, he continued, namely Permendag 36 of 2023 related to policies and regulation of goods imports.

"In the past, it was a post border, now it's a border. In the past, you could go straight to the shops now, you can't anymore," said Zulhas.

The implementation of Permendag 36/2023 aims to limit the entry of imported goods, which have been considered too free so far. These efforts, said the Trade Minister, are carried out in order to fully support so that people are proud of the domestic clothing industry and prefer Indonesian products.

"So we are proud to buy made in Indonesia," he concluded.