The Ganjar-Mahfud Kubu Will Present The Village Head As Witness To The 2024 Presidential Election Dispute Session

JAKARTA - The Ganjar-Mahfud Legal Team will present 19 witnesses in the trial of the General Election Result Dispute (PHPU). Of the dozens of witnesses, among them are village heads (kades).

"From the regional officials, for example, the village head," said Head of the Ganjar-Mahfud Legal Team, Todung Mulya Lubis to reporters, Wednesday, March 27.

However, it is said that there is fear from the witnesses who will be presented. Because they accept intimidation.

However, it was not conveyed in detail about the form of intimidation received by witnesses from the Ganjar-Mahfud camp.

"We also (the witness was intimidated). Our witness is in fear," he said.

Asked about the efforts to apply for protection for the witnesses who will be presented, Todung agreed with this possibility. It said, there were plans to ask for protection from the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK).

"We'll see later, yes. For example, it's time to go to LPSK, we'll go there," said Todung.

Previously, the Constitutional Court (MK) increased the number of witnesses and experts in the trial of examining witnesses and experts in the General Election Result Dispute (PHPU) case.

"Initially the Constitutional Court agreement was 15 witnesses and two experts, but earlier there was a new agreement, now 19 are witnesses and experts," said the spokesman for the Constitutional Court, Fajar Laksono.

In the new decision, the composition of the number of witnesses and experts is submitted to each party.

"The important thing is the number is 19 and it can't be more. It can be 9 experts and 10 witnesses. The witnesses are 5 and the experts are 14," he explained.

The new number, he continued, will be submitted to the relevant parties in the PHPU case.

This new scheme is a change made by the Constitutional Court after receiving several requests related to the increase in the number of witnesses.

"At the registration stage, we conveyed that the witness was 15, but after that there was a request by sending a letter to the Constitutional Court to convey the desire to increase the number. Then, it was agreed that the number 19 would be agreed," he said.

The decision was agreed upon at the Hakim Consultative Meeting (RPH), so that there would no longer be any changes.