Newly Repaired Roads In Lampung Waved Again, Commission V Of The DPR Asks The Provincial Government To Order ODOL Trucks

JAKARTA - Member of Commission V DPR RI Andi Iwan Darmawan Aras asked the Lampung Provincial Government (Pemprov) to take firm action against ODOL vehicles (overload over directors) passing through the area.

"Earlier during the review, it was seen that the national road in Lampung Province, which has just been repaired, has now returned to chaos, and this has occurred due to an overload over-dimention vehicle that has not been maximally disciplined," Andi said during a visit from Commission V DPR RI to Lampung in Bandarlampung, Wednesday, March 27, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said that to maintain road infrastructure conditions in the regions so that they are well maintained, firmness is needed from the local government to take action against ODOL vehicles

"Infrastructure will not be optimal if the control of ODOL is not carried out, this requires the will and courage of the local government to take firm action against this. If it is allowed, then the target of zero ODOL will never be achieved," he said.

He explained that this firm action could be taken by increasing sanctions or fines for ODOL vehicles.

"The fine for ODOL vehicles is still very low, so we will try to make new rules so that sanctions or fines can be given higher. Because if you look at the amount of fines imposed at this time, it cannot cover the government's losses to infrastructure damage," he said.

He continued that his party would encourage the government and ministries to optimize the use of witnesses and high fines for ODOL vehicles.

"If these sanctions and fines can be optimized, of course, business actors will follow the regulations set by the regional government or the central government," he added.

According to him, in addition, his party also asked BPTD to optimize the weight bridge in the area to prevent ODOL vehicles.

"We ask BPTD to optimize the weight bridge so that ODOL vehicles passing either from Lampung or other provinces are not allowed to pass. So that ODOL can be suppressed so that infrastructure in the form of national roads or toll roads can be maintained," he said.