One Prisoner Who Escaped From Cianjur District Court Arrested, 6 Others Still Wanted

CIANJUR - Police arrested Asep Gunawan, one of seven detainees who escaped from the Cianjur District Court (PN) detention room, when he was about to buy food in Jamali Village, Mande District, Wednesday (27/3).

Kasatreskrim Cianjur Police, AKP Tono Listianto said that one of the detainees who escaped was arrested thanks to information from local residents who had seen his whereabouts in the cemetery area not far from the residents' villages.

"Officers who received the report immediately rushed to the location and arrested the perpetrator while buying food at a shop not far from the burial site," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 27.

The perpetrators were immediately escorted to the Cianjur Police Station for questioning regarding the other perpetrators who were suspected of having been with Asep hiding in a cemetery area in Jamali Village after successfully escaping from the Cianjur District Court detention room.

Meanwhile, the joint team is still being deployed to arrest six other perpetrators who are suspected not in one group, because it is known that Asep was with three other perpetrators who left him after being arrested by officers.

"We are trying to arrest six other perpetrators as soon as possible because information from residents is very helpful, we ask residents to play an active role in providing information regarding suspicious activities in the area where they live," said Tono.

Seven detainees escaped after undergoing trial at the Cianjur District Court by breaking into the iron bars of the bathroom in the detention room, the seven detainees were prisoners with cases of violent theft and weighting.

The seven detainees, named Raihan Triyandi alias Ogut, Akbar Maulana, Riko Permana, Yeri Abdul alias Jeri, Ujang Irfan alias Boncel, Asep Gunawan alias Haji, and Rifki Mahesa alias Iki, where the perpetrator's data and photos have been spread on social media.

Until now, joint officers are still hunting for the perpetrators who are suspected of hiding in the city of Cianjur and have not left the city, so information from residents can help officers in arresting six other perpetrators.