Head Of BKPSDM Majalengka Suspect Of Corruption Cigasong Market Arrested

The West Java High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has made efforts to force the detention of the Head of the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) of Majalengka Regency, Irfan Nur Alam (INA) regarding the alleged corruption of Sindangkasih Market, Cigasong, Majalengka Regency.

"The investigative team for the construction cooperation agreement case for the Sindangkasih market handover, Cigasong, Majalengka Regency, today made a forced effort in the form of detaining one of the suspects, namely the initials INA," said Aspidsus West Java Prosecutor's Office, Syarief Sulaeman Nahdi, at the West Java High Prosecutor's Office Building, Bandung, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 27.

Syarief explained that the detention of the INA suspect was carried out this Tuesday for the next 20 days, with the location at the Class 1 Bandung Detention Center, after the person concerned underwent an examination for approximately seven hours.

"This detention is also related to INA suspects from 2019 to 2021 who served as Head of the Economic and Development Section of the Majalengka Regency Regional Secretariat," he said.

The articles suspected of suspect INA are Article 5, Article 12 letter e, Article 11, Article 12 B of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended and supplemented by Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

Meanwhile, related to one other suspect in this case, namely Maya (M), Syarief said that until now his party had not made any forced attempts (detention) even though a summons had been made about two weeks ago.

"Regarding M, we will check again, at this time we are focusing on filing for the three suspects INA, AN and DRN, so that we can quickly complete it and transfer it to the Corruption Court," he said.

Head of West Java Prosecutor's Office, Nur Sricahyawijaya, said that one suspect in the case, namely M at the previous summons, had not fulfilled the summons.

"In the future, a call will be made to the person concerned again," said Cahya.

This case itself occurred that in the 2020 fiscal year, where the Majalengka Regency Government based on the Majalengka Regent Regulation Number 103 of 2020, carried out the selection of partners for the use of regional property in the form of construction to hand over (build, operate and transfer/BOT) to land on Jalan Raya Cigasong-Jatiwangi, Majalengka Regency, where the person acting as Chairman of Bangun Guna Serah was the Assistant for the Economy and Development, then as the secretary was the Head of the Economic and Development Division of the Majalengka Regency Secretariat which at that time was held by the suspect INA.

The partners who were selected in the construction to hand over were PT Purna Graha Abadi (PGA), after H Endang Rukanda (President Commissioner of PT PGA) issued a sum of cash to AN (the private party who had been named a suspect two years ago) and DRN (PNS who had been named a suspect two years ago) who helped INA in arranging the winner of the project auction.

Then PT PGA also transferred some money to an account in the name of PT KEB, bringing the total amount to billions of rupiah, for conditioning in the project auction.

From the money that went into PT KEB's account, AN then made a withdrawal together with DRN. A number of these money were transferred by PT PGA to condition them as the winners of the auction in the construction work project to hand over.

It is known, INA is the son of the former Regent of Majalengka Karna Sobahi. In 2019, INA had caused a stir among the people of Majalengka for shooting contractor partners. This incident was triggered by a debt problem. Even though he was caught in a shooting case, INA still had the status of an ASN. Even his position was promoted to Head of BKPSDM Majalengka.