Schedule Of The Indonesian Basketball National Team At FIBA 3x3 Asia Cup 2024

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Basketball 3X3 national team will appear in the FIBA 3X3 Asia Cup 2024 which will take place in Singapore.

The tournament will take place from Wednesday, March 27, 2024, tomorrow to Sunday, March 31, 2024. The women's 3X3 basketball team and Indonesian sons coach Fandi Andika Ramadhani took part.

The Indonesian Men's National Team will start their struggle in Singapore against Sri Lanka in the Group B qualifying round on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. Then, their journey continued against South Korea on the same day.

The struggle in this round will be determined against the North Mariana Islands on Thursday, March 28, 2024. If they are able to overcome this obstacle, they will have been waiting for Mongolia and Thailand in Group B.

Then, the Indonesian Women's National Team will start the Group C qualifying round journey against Hong Kong on Wednesday, March 27, 2024.

The next fight on Thursday, March 28, 2024, will be two games they have to play, namely against India and the North Mariana Islands.

If they pass these obstacles, the women's team will challenge Australia and New Zealand in the Group D preliminary round. Group D matches will start on March 30, 2024 against New Zealand.

The 3X3 Men's Team and Indonesian Women's have been training since February 19, 2024. They are also scheduled to leave for Singapore on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.

The coach of the Indonesian Men's and Women's 3X3 national team, Fandi Andika Ramadhani, has decided who will be brought to Singapore.

He believes the chosen player can give the best results after training together for a long time.

From the son's category, Fandi Andika Ramadhani appointed four players, namely Serigne Modou Kane (18), Erick Ibrahim Junior (20), Muhammad Daffa Shaldy (19), and Jason Christhoufer Kurniawan (24).

Their election means that there are three names that have been eliminated. They are Mohammad Naufal Alifio (injured), Muhammad Ivan Rizky Ramdani, and Yogi Saputra Chan.

Then, four names have also been confirmed to fill the women's 3X3 national team squad, namely Lea Elvensia Kahol (24), Thasya Hery Saputera (21), Faizzatus Shoimah (23), Jesslyn Angelique Aritonang (21).

Then for the eliminated players areID Jennifer Candra and Aimee Tampu Francienne.

"Actually, it was going to use two bigman, but in the end it was changed to one bigman and three small ones adjusted the needs. You see, after various simulations, two big men were still not right. Our final choice was these four players," said the coach who is familiarly called Rama coach.

Coach Rama believes his team is ready for combat. Both the men's and women's teams. During training since February 19, 2024, all official and defense material has been provided.

In fact, their shooting percentage has also improved. Their ability is also honed in internal games and game scrimmages.

"When compared from the start of the exercise, the progress of their way of playing is quite good. From preparations starting from the beginning to the last week everything is ready for departure (to Singapore). Just be ready for war."

"When we talk about the target, we will focus on game by game first to secure tickets to the Asia Cup. Only then will we think about the next target," he said.

At this event, the Indonesian Women's 3X3 national team made proud achievements. At the FIBA 3X3 Asia Cup 2021, the Indonesian Women's 3X3 national team won third place or a bronze medal in Singapore.

With the preparations that have been undertaken, PP Perbasi through the Secretary-General Nirmala Dewi hopes that this struggle can bring better achievements.

At a minimum, equaling the achievement in 2021. Meanwhile, the men's team at least passed the next phase.

List Of Players Of The Indonesian Men's And Women's 3X3 National Team

Women's 3X3 National Team

Lea Elvensia Kahol

Thasya Saputera

Faissatus Shoimah

Jesslyn Angelique

Men's 3X3 National Team

Serigne Modou Kane

Erick Ibrahim Junior

Muhammad Daffa Shalidy

Jason Christhoufer Kurniawan