Kuntari Will Appear On 30 European Stages This Year

JAKARTA - The experimental music group Kuntari is preparing to undergo a European tour. This trip is a continuation of their successful tour in Japan last year.

In its 35-day tour from March to April, Kuntari will appear on 30 stages. A total of 25 cities from 9 countries will be visited, namely the Netherlands, Germany, France, Denmark, Belgium, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and the Czech Republic.

Later, Kuntari will appear in several legendary venues, such as Alice in Copenhagen, Denmark and LOFTAS in Vilnius, Lithuania. Tesla Manaf and Rio Abror will tour Europe without being accompanied by a crew. This is similar to what happened in Japan.

"The many requests of friends in Europe to appear in their country made me desperate to do everything independently since last October," said Tesla Manaf in a written statement, Tuesday, March 26.

"Friends who are scattered in these nine countries are kind to suggest the best venue in their city and from there the stage offer becomes a lot," he continued.

Tesla itself admitted that it personally sent emails to more than 100 venues across Europe. This was Tesla's time to share via the X (Twitter) account, in the form of strands of threads with tips for musicians who want to tour long overseas.

The plan, the album titled Larynx (2022) will be the main material that will be played in front of the European public.