IDF Claims Hamas Militants Shoot Troops From The Emergency Room And Bangsal Berkalin Al Shifa Hospital

JAKARTA - Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari in an English language video statement said Hamas "destroyed Shifa Hospital" when his troops operated against militant groups at the medical center.

"170 militants were neutralized in or around the Shifa Hospital complex while shooting at our troops. The IDF arrested hundreds of suspected terrorists who were confirmed to have ties to Hamas or Islamic Jihad, making this one of the most successful operations since the start of the war," said Admiral Hagari, reported by The Times of Israel, March 25.

"A large number of militants were involved in planning and executing the brutal massacre on October 7," he said.

Admiral Hagari further said, "the operation is not over yet."

"Currently, Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists are holed up in the Shifa hospital ward. Hamas is destroying Shifa Hospital," he said.

"Hamas opened fire from inside the Shifa Emergency Room and Maternity Ward, throwing explosive devices from the Shifa Burns Ward. Militants hiding around the hospital fired mortars at our troops, causing severe damage to the hospital building," he explained.

Rear Admiral Hagari speaking outside Gaza's Al Shifa Hospital. (Source: Israel Defense Forces)

"I repeat: Hamas fired mortars at Shifa Hospital. Hamas destroyed Shifa Hospital. Hamas hijacked Shifa Hospital and hid behind the sick and injured, waging war from inside Shifa Hospital," he stressed.

Meanwhile, Hamas claims at least 13 patients have died during ongoing IDF raids, alleging they were denied medication or their ventilators stopped working after Israeli forces cut the hospital's power, The New York Times reported.

Rear Admiral Hagari said the IDF "operated with precision and acted with caution towards patients and medical staff within the hospital."

"We do this because we distinguish between Hamas terrorists and the civilians they hide," he said.

"We are doing this because our war is against Hamas, not against the people of Gaza, and our actions prove this. Since the beginning of the operation against Hamas at Shifa Hospital, the IDF has assisted the sick and injured and helped many of them out of danger," he continued.

"We brought dozens of medical equipment; more than 10 thousand units of medicine; hundreds of medical supplies; as well as food, water, and other equipment to Shifa Hospital. When the Hamas attack resulted in the failure of the hospital's generator, our troops helped restore electricity to the hospital," he said.

"Our operations at Shifa Hospital prove once again: Hamas systematically uses hospitals to fight and consistently uses the people of Gaza as human shields," added Admiral Hagari.