CEO Of Apple And Microsoft Will Come To Indonesia, Want To Create Your Own Factory?
JAKARTA - On Friday, March 23, Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, Nezar Patria, revealed that Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and Apple CEO Tim Cook will come to Indonesia to meet with President Joko Widodo.
Furthermore, according to a statement to the media crew, Nezar stated that the two CEOs of the world technology giant have plans to invest in Indonesia.
"So there are two CEOs who want to visit Indonesia. Apple CEO with Microsoft. Both of them have written, and they have the intention to invest in Indonesia as well," said Nezar at the Kominfo Office, Jakarta.
At different times, Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi said that Tim Cook was present to inaugurate the new Apple Academy in Indonesia. In addition, Cook also wants to review the condition of the Apple Academy which is already in the country.
Budi also confirmed the investment plans that will be carried out by the two companies with the Indonesian government. However, he did not explain what kind of investment will be given by Apple and Microsoft.
"Later, Apple wants to come in April. It's good. If Indonesia is seen all over the world. We don't know (investment) yet, but there is an Apple Academy, and we don't know yet," said Budi on Monday, March 25 after meeting with the President of the World Water Council, HE Loic Fauchon.
However, Budi stated that it was possible that Apple would open its own factory in Indonesia.
"We'll see later, the approach is important. There are a lot of possibilities (factories), we'll see what the approach is. Because there are a lot of Apple users in Indonesia," he continued.