Apple Vision Pro Confirmed To Be Launching In China

JAKARTA Vision Pro, Apple's artificial spatial computer technology, has been launched since February 2. However, this device is only available in the US and will be extended to other countries by the end of the year. One of the countries that will become the market of Vision Pro is China. Delivered at the China Development Forum event, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that loyal Apple fans in China could buy Vision Pro by the end of this year. Quoting from Reuters, this plan was disclosed in response to questions from one of the media present at the event. Cook also said that Apple will continue to invest in research and device development in China. Cook does not provide details regarding the launch date of Vision Pro in China, but this statement is the first confirmation of Cook regarding other countries that will provide the reality mixing headset (MR).

Meanwhile, Apple had given instructions about other countries that would get the device. Quoted from MacRumors, the visionOS code shows the presence of other languages on the virtual keyboard and automatic corrections. Some language that can be seen is simplified Canton, Chinese, English for Australia, Canada, Japan, Singapore, UK for Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, and Korea. Language support on this keyboard cannot actually be used as strong evidence. However, this could be an indication of the availability of Vision Pro. It would be very strange if all of these languages were presented to all users in the US.