How To Make A Short IG Username: How To Simple Banget!

YOGYAKARTA - How to make a short IG username is actually not something that is so complicated to do, it's just that, there are still many Instagram users who don't know about it.

Currently, Instagram is one of the most well-known social media among the world community. In fact, its users reach 1 billion people. So it is difficult to find an Intragram username that is short because most of them have been used by people.

For most Instagram users, usernames or usernames are important. You see, interesting usernames can give a positive impression and increase interaction with other users.

However, with a large number of Instagram users, it is increasingly difficult to find interesting and unique usernames.

Therefore, many users are looking for ways to make the IG username short and attractive in order to increase the number of followers and interactions.

Here are tips on how to make a short ig username to make it successful and not used by other users.

The majority of short ig usernames have been used by people, you want to type anything, especially usernames that the market must have been used.

So for those of you who are still looking for how to make a short username for success, here are steps that you can apply:

1. Use Initials Name Or Call Name

One of the tips for how to make an IG username short and interesting is by using the initials of your name or nickname.

For example, if your name is Samsul Hadi, you can use the initials SHA or your nickname such as Sams or Soel.

2. Add Symbol

So then the way to make an IG sequence short is that you can increase certain symbols either behind the username or in front of the username.

By increasing the symbol, it will be a differentiator between other users who have been used, this is because most short users have been widely used and one of them is to add symbols, for example Samsoel69_ or _Samsul and so on.

3. Use simple words that are easy to remember

After that, you can also use simple words that are easy to remember as your IG username.

For example, using words like 'Samsulha_', 'Samsul69', or 'Sams_69' and adding words related to your name but a little bit plus symbols or any word that is easy to remember.

4. Use Unique Or Funny Words

Next is how to make a short ig username if you want to create a unique and funny IG username, you can use unusual words or make new words that have not been heard before.

That way, the possibility of succeeding in making a short Instagram username is also getting bigger because it is certain that strange words have not been widely used.

5. Combinate Words

The last technical tips for making an ig username are short, you can also combine several words to create an interesting IG username. For example, foodddict, travelgram, or ladieshunter and so on

Tips and tricks to make other interesting IG usernames:

In addition, you must show 'Instagram Introduces New Ways to Create Content' so you don't miss updates.

So after knowing how to make an IG username short, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!