Cool! 12 ICT Work Of Indonesian Children Nominated For WSIS Prizes 2024

JAKARTA - 12 by Indonesian children have been nominated for prestigious awards in the world's information and communication technology, namely the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Prizes 2024.

For this reason, Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, Nezar Patria, asked all Indonesian people to choose a nomination by the nation's children so that they can become winners.

"I invite netizens to vote, show the world that we have superior digital resources and are able to compete with any country," said Nezar in his remarks on Friday, March 22.

Nezar also appreciated the 2024 WSIS Prizes nominees who came from various ICT stakeholders, who came from a number of regions in Indonesia.

The reason is, the Indonesian child's ICT works are side by side with 360 initiative nominees from around the world in 18 categories. Previously, there had been a selection by a team of UN experts with more than 1000 registrants.

The following are 12 works or initiatives of Indonesia which are the nominees of WSIS Prizes 2024:

Category 1 - The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development

BAKTI DNA Ecosystem from BAKTI Kominfo

Category 2 - Information and communication infrastructure

Addressing The Digital Divide Challenges In Indonesia From The Common Room Networks Foundation

Category 4 - Capacity building

Healthy Internet Guard (Cyberwise Champion) From ICT Watch

Category 8 - ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life - E-business

BAKTI Impact Adventures From BAKTI Kominfo

Category 9 - ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life - E-learning

School online assessment from ICT Magetan Volunteers

Category 10 - ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life E-health

Alvori Technology From PT Alvori Satria Anegata

Category 11 - ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life E-employment

BAKTI ICT Vocal Training From BAKTI Kominfo

Category 15 - Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content

Internet Connects Villages From Blitar RTIK

Category 16 - Media

Jakarta Against Hoaxes From DKI Jakarta Diskominfo

Podcast Talkshow Literat, Honest And Creative (Literate, Honest And Creative Talkshow Podcast) From Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 1 Madiun City

SDGs Edu Pedia From Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Tulungagung

Category 17 - Ethical dimensions of the Information Society

Adolescents Who Move ICT Madiun Literacy (The Youth ITC Empowerment Literacy Madiun) From Openmadiun Communication

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