Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) Performs Pinang East-1 Exploration Well Hijak

JAKARTA - Pertamina Hulu Rokan, which is contracted with a Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) to tax the Pinang East-1 exploration well on Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 23.30 WIB.

The tax activity is in order to find new oil and gas reserves to support efforts to increase oil production in the Working Area (WK) to meet energy needs and support national energy security.

For information, the Pinang East-1 well is located in the Pinang field, precisely in Rokan Regency, North Sumatra. The exploration well will be vertically drilled using Rig PDSI#49.2 (550 HP) with the planned final depth of the well at 3,905 ft.

This exploration drilling is intended to test and evaluate the potential of oil and gas content contained in the Bekasap Sand Reservoir.

Currently, the status of the Pinang East-1 well drilling operation is drilling vertical section of the 17-1/2 hole to a depth of 800 ftMD. This exploration well drilling program is expected to be implemented for the next 2 months

Head of the SKK Migas Program and Communication Division, Hudi D. Suryodipuro, said that this year SKK Migas and KKKS had agreed on a more massive exploration drilling program than last year. In 2024, the exploration well drilling target will reach 48 or an increase of around 26 percent compared to last year's realization.

To achieve this target, at the beginning of the year SKK Migas encouraged KKKS to be able to drill, one of which was realized was the drilling of the Pinang East-1 exploration well.

"The key to supporting the increase in oil and gas production is the discovery of hydrocarbon sources, therefore this year's SKK Migas encourages more massive exploration investment with an investment plan of US$1.8 billion, an increase of 100 percent compared to last year's realization of US$0.9 billion," he said in a statement to the media, Wednesday, March 20.

Moreover, Hudi continued, currently the Rokan Block is the largest contributor to oil production in Indonesia, therefore the existing potential must be optimized so that it can support national energy security.

Meanwhile, UPstream Business EVP PHR WK Rokan Edwil Suzandi said that the success of the Pinang East exploration well tax is part of fulfilling the Sure Work Commitment (KKP) of WK Rokan in an effort to increase the number of productions for national energy security.

"This well targets the reservoir (interior oil storage area) of Bekasap, which is the main reservoir that has produced oil in Pinang Field," said Edwil.

Edwil added that Pinang East's prospect is expected to have oil contingent resources (2C resources) of 2.53 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE). This field will be maximized with additional development wells.

"With an estimate, an additional development well (development) is needed to optimize production if findings/discovery are obtained to be able to produce oil contained in the Pinang East structure," he said.

Edwil also appreciated the performance of the PHR team in the field who managed to carry out safe and safe well taxing work. For now, continued Edwil, this well tax is the only exploration well or well used to take samples or data at Pinang East Square.