Consistent Tarawih Prayers In The Month Of Ramadan, Get To Know The Pahala To Be Obtained

JAKARTA - The month of Ramadan is a month full of blessings. At this time, Muslims are competing to increase their worship, both sunnah and mandatory to collect good deeds. One of the sunnah services that was greeted with enthusiasm was tarawih prayer. The number of worshipers in mosques and prayer rooms is more full than usual months. It can be said, fasting Ramadan without tarawih feels incomplete.

The priority of carrying out tarawih prayers itself is very large, namely getting forgiveness for sins, reported by NU Online, Tuesday 19 March.

Sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah SAW:

You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.

This means, 'Whoever worships (tarawih) in the month of Ramadan while believing and sincere, then forgives him for past sins' (HR al-Bukhari, Muslims, and others).

The ulama agreed that the word qrypta Ramadhbulna means tarawih prayer. Strictly speaking, this hadith motivates Muslims to carry out prayers that can be said as an exclusive worship in the month of Ramadan. Even the promised reward is forgiveness of sins, with a note that they must be convinced of their virtues and carried out with sincerity. (as-Syarbini, Mughnil Muhtaj, tt; juz 1, h. 459).

This means that tarawih prayers, which are only found in the month of Ramadan, will be a cap for Muslims from the sins they have committed. Regarding whether all sins, small and large, the ulama have different opinions. Imam Haramain said that the sin that can be removed because tarawih prayer is a small sin, because great sins can only be melted with a familiar way.

In contrast to Imam Ibul Mundzir, who explained that the sins that were abolished were entirely, both small and large. Because, to mention the word sin on the editors of the hadith above is to use the pronunciation ma which in the discourse of Arabic grammar (science nahwu) has a common meaning. (al-Ramli, Nihayatul Muhtaj, tt: juz 3, hal. 206).

However, human faith increases and sometimes also drops. The ups and downs of faith itself can be detected through the spirit of worship that a person does. The more a person is active in worship, the higher the dose of faith. On the other hand, if his worship starts to fade, the sign that his faith dose has decreased.

May Ramadan this year be given the strength of faith and immunity to fast for a full month and all the sunnah practices in it include tarawih prayers. Tarawih prayers are indeed sunnah, but this worship only exists once a year.