Natura City Development Reports Indonesian Air Force Personnel Take Land In Bogor
The attorney for PT Natura City Development Tbk reported the alleged interference of Indonesian Air Force personnel on land owned by an 18 hectare company in Pengasinan Village, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor Regency to the Central Commander of the TNI Military Police (Danpuspom TNI).
PT Natura City Development Tbk's attorney, Antoni, said the report was carried out because the company felt aggrieved and disturbed by the alleged interference of Indonesian Air Force personnel on the company's land.
Antoni said that the 18 hectare land owned by his client was obtained based on the release from PTP XI which is now PTP VIII in 1997, as in the Ministerial Decree (domestic, land, agriculture and finance) and the Deed of Release of Land Rights.
As referred to in the Supreme Court Decision of the Republic of Indonesia Number:666/K/Pdt/2007, whose contents reject the appeal of the Primary Petitioner of the Veterans Cooperative of the Republic of Indonesia or Primkoveri.
It is known that Primkoveri obtained and claimed the land of PT Natura City Development Tbk covering an area of 18 hectares based on illegal transfer passes.
This is evidenced in the consideration of the decision of the Cibinong District Court Juncto, the decision of the Bandung High Court, Juncto, on the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia's Cassation which has permanent legal force.
"Currently we are carrying out the activities of structuring, utilizing, and controlling the company's assets on the land, but we have received obstacles or resistance from members of the Indonesian Air Force in full uniform who claim to be the chairman of the Association for Owners of ex Primkoveri land plots," he said, Monday, February 18.
Not only that, since Wednesday, March 13, his party has also faced approximately 50 Indonesian Air Force troops in complete uniform using official official official vehicles.
"We were asked to stop our activities on land that belongs to us legally as evidenced by permanent legal force from the court. The reason is that our land area of 18 hectares will be used for training by the Indonesian Air Force," he explained.
For this reason, the attorney for PT Natura City Development Tbk, Antoni asked the Commander of the TNI Puspom and the Commander of the Air Force Puspom to be present in the midst of society to resolve this incident.
"The Commander of the TNI Puspom and the Commander of the Air Force Puspom who we respect, we are attorneys who represent the interests of companies that already have housing development permits, apply for legal protection because we are under pressure and intimidation in the field by unscrupulous members of the Indonesian Air Force who claim to have received orders to occupy our client's land," he concluded.
For your information, for this incident, the attorney for PT Natura City Development Tbk, Antoni, has also made a report to the Central TNI Headquarters of the Military Police, with evidence of reports and complaints Number TBLP/08/III/2024.
Even so, the TNI argued over the incident. They claim that there are dozens of TNI members on land owned by a company covering an area of 18 hectares in Pengasinan Village, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor Regency in order to undergo training.
This is evidenced by a letter requesting the loan of the unit training area, Number B / II / III / 2024 issued by the Bravo 90 Kopasgat Detachment 902 / Aksus Unit.
It is strongly suspected that behind the use of 18 hectares of land for training purposes it is only for massive physical control, it is informed in the field that one of the commanders of the Indonesian Air Force unit who is an Active High Officer claimed the land was based on purchases from Primkoveri.
Pihak-pihak yang mengklaim di atas tanah 18 hektare tersebut telah membentuk paguyuban yang dipimpin oleh Marsma TNI Rifa Yanto (Kadispamsan Headquarters Au), paguyuban ini diisi oleh orang-orang yang mengklaim tanah tersebut.