The Action Of The Coblos Village Head Many Voice Letters In Cikalongkulon Cianjur Will Be Traced

CIANJUR - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Cianjur Regency, West Java, is investigating reports of violations of the 2024 General Election with perpetrators of village heads in Cikalongkulon District. This village head whose video went viral was caught voting on many ballots at one of the polling stations.The Coordinator of the Division for Handling Violations and Datin Bawaslu Cianjur, Yana Sopyan, said the viral video of alleged violations committed by the village head had entered the Cianjur Bawaslu a few days ago."We have instructed Panwaslu Cikalongkulon to conduct a search regarding the location of the TPS where the person carried out the action and who was involved, including the element of coercion or omission," he said in Cianjur, Antara, Monday, March 18.In fact, several informations have been obtained in the video at TPS 15, Mentengsari Village, Cikalongkulon District, where the Head of Mentengsari Village, Somantri has voted many ballots and such as giving instructions to someone to help with his actions.So that his party will use the Perbawaslu 7 process in 2022 regarding the handling of findings and reports, related parties in the video and officers at the TPS will be questioned before the handling process is registered."The registration process must be met with formal requirements and material requirements, starting from the findings or reports, reported, the time of the incident does not exceed the 7-day provisions, description of events and supporting evidence," he said.The register discussion was held today with other commissioners because there have been several search results, but there is a stage of the discussion process whether it is used as a finding or a report, plus his party has coordinated with the police and the Cianjur Gakkumdu."Later, the process of this incident, the formal material requirements will be met, we will register it, we will discuss it in Gakkumdu, so the village head must be questioned by Bawaslu, including who will be involved later," he said.
However, the village head is currently a suspect in the burning of a candidate for the legislature of the DPR RI and is in the custody of the Cianjur Police. "We will try to coordinate so that the village head can be questioned regarding the viral video," said Yana.