Hundreds Of Firecrackers Sold By Traders In The Old Market Of Utan NTB Confiscated By The Police

MATARAM - Police confiscated hundreds of firecrackers of various types from traders selling in the Old Market of Utan, Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara.The Head of the Utan Police, Iptu Awaluddin, said that this confiscation was part of the police's efforts to maintain the security and public order situation (kamtibmas) during the momentum of Ramadan."So, the action in the form of confiscation of firecrackers is an effort to create conditions during the holy month of Ramadan, in particular to prevent disturbances in kamtibmas due to firecrackers that are turned on," Awaluddin said in a written statement received in Mataram, Monday, March 18.The activist took place at around 09.00 WITA. The police received hundreds of firecrackers from three traders who sold them without a permit."Because it was not licensed, so we confiscated all the selling goods (treasures)," he said.According to him, the police obtained information on the source of goods, namely from a resident who lives close to the Old Utan market in Motong Village."The results of the development, we found firecrackers in large quantities and various types. Goods stored in the house," he said.With these results, Awaluddin ensured that his party had now confiscated all firecrackers at the Utan Police Headquarters and for further destruction.
"From the results of being active this morning, we can convey that it went safely and smoothly, the situation was observed to be conducive thanks to the support of public information," said Awaluddin.