PLN Collaborates With BYD, Buys 10 Thousand Car Units For The Next 5 Years

JAKARTA - Build Your Dream (BYD) Motor Indonesia collaborates with PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) through the PLN Icon Plus subholding to collaborate in developing the electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia.

President Director of PT Indonesia Comnets Plus (PLN Icon Plus) Ari Rahmat Indra Cahyadi said that collaboration with BYD in the development of ecosystems and the provision of electric vehicles is an important step in supporting a cleaner and more sustainable energy transformation in Indonesia.

"We ordered 10,000 units of electric vehicles within the next five years," he said, during a breaking of the fast together in Jakarta, Friday night, March 15.

He further revealed that later 10 thousand BYD electric vehicles would be used as operational vehicles within PLN.

On the other hand, President Director of PT BYD Motor Indonesia Eagle Zhao said that his party will present 10,000 units of Electric Vehicle (EV) BYD within the next five years, which will be supported directly by a network of dealers.

"BYD is committed to facilitating the acceleration of the transition to the era of electrification vehicles in Indonesia not only through the innovation of the New Energy Vehicle but also with an ecosystem that can facilitate the availability of units for many parties," said Eagle Zhao.

Unfortunately, it has not been disclosed in detail when the first shipment of 10 thousand BYD electric cars will be delivered, but in this way there will be many electric cars in the country.