Beware Of Hypertension! This Is The High Food For Sodium That Needs To Be Limited To Intake

YOGYAKARTA Consumption of sodium high food needs to be limited so that you can avoid hypertension (high blood pressure). Originally, sodium is one of the important minerals needed by the body. It's just that consuming it in excess amounts can be harmful to health.

According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), the consumption limit for sodium should not be more than 2000 mg per day or about 1 teaspoon (5 ml). If more than that, sodium can cause an increase in blood pressure.

Therefore, it is important to limit sodium consumption, both from table salt (natrium chloride) and food.

So, what are the high sodium foods that should be limited in intake? Let's look at the full information below.

Adapting Healthline, the following is a high food sodium that needs to be limited in order to avoid the risk of hypertension.

1. Packaged shrimp

Frozen shrimp or packaged shrimp generally contain additional salt for flavor and also preservatives rich in sodium.

For example, sodium tripolyphosphate is usually added to maintain moisture during disbursement.

In frozen shrimp grams, the amount of sodium contained in them is 800 mg or about 35 percent of the daily sodium demand for adults.

Meanwhile, 85 grams of fresh shrimp without salt and additional substances only contain 101 mg sodium or the equivalent of 4 percent of the amount of sodium needs for adults.

If you are limiting sodium intake, you should choose a fresh shrimp that has just been caught.

2. Cheese

Cheese is a source of calcium and a good source of protein for the body. Unfortunately, this food contains high amounts of salt (natrium).

In 113 grams of cottage cheese, the average contains 350 mg sodium or about 15 percent of the daily sodium demand.

The addition of salt to cheese aims to increase the taste and function as a preservative.

Therefore, it is very difficult to find a low cheese sodium. Even so, a study found that melting the cheese under running water for 3 minutes, then drying it, could reduce sodium content by 63 percent.

3. Pizza

Pizza is a high food sodium that needs to be limited in intake. The high sodium levels of a piece of pizza come from various additional ingredients, such as cheese, sauce, dough, and processed meat.

A piece of pizza weighing 140 grams can contain 765 mg sodium or 33 percent of the daily sodium demand.

If you eat more than one piece of pizza, the sodium levels in the body will increase rapidly.

To be healthier, limit yourself to eating pizza and when eating it, balance it with low sodium foods such as foliated green salads.

4. Sandwich

sandwich seasoning foods such as bread, meat, processed cheese, and spices can contribute to increasing levels of sodium in the body.

A 6-inch sandwich made with these ingredients can contain 1,127 mg of sodium.

You can significantly reduce sodium intake from sandwich consumption by selecting unprocessed toppings, such as chicken chests with slice avocados and tomatoes.

That's information about sodium foods that should be limited in intake. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.