8 Pantangan After Facial Face, Avoid Not Irritating

YOGYAKARTA - Facial faces are one of the methods for facial skin care to stay strong, soft, and shiny. People usually can't wait to see the results after the facial facial. However, there are some taboos after facial facials that need to be remembered.

The facial results of the face are not immediately visible or instantaneous. So that the results of the facilities can be optimal and facial skin remains healthy, there are several things that need to be considered. You need to know what activities should be avoided after undergoing facial facial treatment.

Maybe you want to immediately try various products or habits after the facility. But don't be careless, because some treatment can actually damage your facial skin. So what are the taboos after the facial face that need to be known?

Always remember, don't rush to treat your face after the facial. If it is not conditioned properly, the facial results of the face will not be maximized and may cause problems with the skin. So that you don't get me wrong, here are taboos after the facial of the face that must be maintained:

Face skin may feel more sensitive and dry after undergoing a health facility. Don't wash your face too often or excessively. Just clean your face twice a day using a soft cleaning product and according to your skin type.

Another pantangan after the facial is not squeezing acne or codo. After facial care, acne or comodo usually appears. But hold yourself back from holding or squeezing it. Given that the skin is sensitive after the facial, this action can cause irritation of the skin.

Apart from being sensitive to water, facial skin that has just received a health facility is usually also more sensitive to sunlight or UV. Keep your face from exposure to the sun directly, especially a few days after undergoing treatment. If you are going to do outdoor activities, don't forget to wear sunscreen with SPF content.

Wanting to see a change in the face after the facial is actually a natural thing. But hold yourself back from touching your face too often or excessively. Don't touch your face for a moment, especially when your hands are not clean. This habit can trigger infection and irritation on your facial skin.

People who have just done facials often want to quickly wear make-up. But it's best not to use heavy make-up after facial facial. Let your facial skin be in natural or natural condition, so you can breathe and recover by itself. If you want to apply make-up, choose a mild or non-medogenic product.

Another thing to avoid after the facial facial is using the facial toner. When undergoing treatment, facial skin will experience deep cleaning. So don't use the facial toner first because it can cause the skin to feel dry and irritated.

Exercise is indeed a good activity for physical health. But if you have just done facial facial, you should avoid intensive or severe exercise. When exercising, body temperature will rise and sweat. This condition can cause irritation to the facial skin that has just received treatment.

Other activities that should not be done after the facial are cassava or face vapor. Heat and steam exposure to the skin can make the skin more sensitive. In addition, skin that has just received treatment can also be more prone to irritation if exposed to airfall or steam.

Those are some taboos after facial facials that you need to remember. Always remember, don't rush to take certain actions on your face after undergoing treatment. Let your face breathe and heal yourself for a while. Also read how to repair damaged skin barriers.

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