In The Aftermath Of The Demo On The Parungpanjang Mining Truck Driver, The Acting Regent Of Bogor Makes 8 Points Of The Agreement

After carrying out a demonstration in Parungpanjang, PJ Bogor Regent Asmawa Tosepu made an agreement with truck drivers. There are 8 points of agreement that have been signed after the demonstration of the mining truck driver who blocked access to the road. Based on the results of the mining transporter audience with the Bogor Regent PJ, the Bogor Regency Government will provide concessions for mining truck drivers without cargo to pass. As for in detail, 8 points of agreement between the Acting Regent of Bogor and the driver of the mining truck, namely as follows: First, the re-implementation of the operational hours of empty mining special goods transport vehicles from Tangerang to Bogor Regency.

This trial starts at 13.00 WIB until 16.00 WIB. The trial was carried out from March 14 to April 15, 2024, to be evaluated.

Second, the operating hours of special mining goods transportation vehicles follow Regent Regulation Number 56 of 2023 concerning amendments to Regent Regulation Number 120 of 2023 concerning Restrictions on Operational Hours for Mining Special Vehicles on roads in the Bogor Regency area from 22.00 WIB to 05.00 WIB.

Third, for vehicles transporting special mining goods with a load of 8 tons and/or axis 2 (Colt Diesel) is allowed to pass outside operational hours, but the load does not exceed the carrying capacity.

Fourth, every driver of special mining goods transportation must comply with the applicable rules and if there is a violation, action will be taken by law enforcement officials.

Fifth, the feasibility of special mining goods transport vehicles and drivers must comply with the provisions of the legislation. Sixth, mining special goods transportation vehicles are prohibited from operating during D-7 to D+7 Eid Al-Fitr.

Seventh, the agreement arising from today's hearing news will take effect from March 14, 2024. Finally, the eighth pound, each party is responsible for the implementation of this agreement.