Baby Malang Disposed In Front Of The Timika Evangelical Christian Church Office, Police Conduct Investigation

TIMIKA - The police in Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province are investigating a case of dumping a baby in Timika.Mimika Baru Sector Police Chief AKP Jaihot Limbong said his party was still continuing to investigate the perpetrators of the dumping of babies found at the Waker Complex on Jalan Irigasi Ujung, Timika."The discarded baby was found on Jalan Waker Irigasi Ujung, precisely in front of the Class Office of the Kristen Evangelical Church (GKI) Mimika SP V, on February 26, 2024," he said in Timika, Antara, Thursday, March 14.His party does not yet know the identity of the baby found on Jalan Waker. The investigation into the case is still ongoing."Since February 26, 2024, until now we have not found the perpetrators of the baby disposal, while they are still in the process of being investigated," he said.He explained that this case was included in child neglect so that it was the responsibility of the police, but the handling and care of the baby had been handled by the local Social Service."For baby care, of course, the Mimika Social Service will handle it, and all the needs of the baby will be the responsibility of the Social Service," he said again.
The baby was found in a remote location. Police did not find many clues to uncover the perpetrators of the disposal."When we found it in a remote place, it was rather difficult for us to find the culprit, so fellow journalists just wait, when they are found, we will go public," he said again.