Ahead Of Its Official Sales, Xiaomi Asks For A New Variant Permit For The SU7 Electric Sedan

JAKARTA - Ahead of the official sale of electric cars from Xiaomi on March 25, the technology giant from China has submitted a new version of the SU7 electric sedan.

Quoting from the CNevpost page, Thursday, March 14, this was revealed based on data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China (MIIT), which released a catalog of the latest models allowed for sale, and there is a new version of SU7.

Tertuang pada nomor model produk BJ7000MBEVR3 dimana versi terbaru dari Sedan listrik tersebut akan hadir dengan motor tunggal. Sebelumnya, mobil listrik tersebut pertama kali masuk catalog dengan dua model yakni memiliki kode BJ7000MBEVA motor ganda dan BJ7000MBEVR2 motor tunggal.

Catalog tersebut atau versi baru sebenarnya sama versi motor tunggal yang diajukan sebelumnya, baik dari hal tampil dan spesifikasi, saja berbeda pada beratnya.

The latest variant of the new SU7 with model number BJ7000MBEVR3, has a gross weight of 2,090 kilograms, in contrast to the single motorcycle version proposed last year with a weight of 1,980 kilograms. It is also equipped with a lithium iron phosphate battery package from CATL and information on its capacity has not yet been disclosed.

However, one of the possible assumptions is that a larger weight could mean that this new version of SU7 comes with a larger battery, so the range is further.

As additional information, since last December the submission of other regulations revealed that the Xiaomi SU7 battery is present in two capacities, namely 73.6 kWh and 101 kWh. The 73.6 kWh battery pack weighs 579 kg, which offers two CLTC range options of 628 km and 668 km. Meanwhile, the 101 kWh battery pack weighing 645.8 kg offers a 750 km and 800 km range option. Will the latest version have a longer distance? Of course it's worth waiting for.