Allegedly Losing Online Gambling, Self-Defense Truck Driver On The Edge Of The Tangerang-Merak Toll Road

SERANG - A fuso truck driver named Nurhanif was found dead on the edge of the Tangerang-Merak KM 52 toll road, Serang. Nurhanif's body was found by his colleague, the kernet, who was resting on the edge of the toll road.

Head of PJR Tangerang-Merak Main, Kompol Wiratno, said the incident was discovered on Tuesday, March 12, during the day.

"It is true that there was a body suspected of hanging himself in the truck," said Wiratno in a short message, Wednesday, March 13.

Wiratno explained that the incident began when the driver and kernet drove in a truck to the rest area of KM 68 Bogeg to Lampung. Arriving at the location, the two stopped on the shoulder of the road, then the victim played cellphone.

"Kernet suddenly felt strange because the driver (the driver) was restless pacing back and forth while carrying a sarong and looking for trees," he said.

After that, the witness got out of the truck to rest. However, when he returned to his car, it appeared that the driver was found dead with his neck tied with a sarong on the vehicle's safety belt handle.

Based on the information gathered, the victim before he died had time to play slot gambling on his way to Lampung.

"And after a while, without the knowledge of the assistant, the driver's body was stiff hanging on the handle safety belt," he said.

Knowing this, the truck kernet reported to the police. The victim was taken to Bhayangkara Hospital, Serang City, for further action.

"The evacuation of the victim with the Criminal Investigation Team of the Cikande Police and the Inafis of the Serang Regency Police," he said.