DPRD Asks DKI Jakarta Parekraf Office To Limit Operational Hours For Night Entertainment Places During Ramadan

JAKARTA - Member of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Mohammad Taufik Zoelkifli asked the DKI Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Disparekraf) to limit the operating hours of nightclubs in order to create a conducive situation in Ramadan this year.

"Because the majority of Muslims are still in Jakarta, I think operational hours must be regulated by the relevant agencies," Taufik told reporters in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, March 11.

Taufik explained that the arrangement of tonight's entertainment operating hours must of course be accompanied by strict supervision.

With the hope that the community can carry out their worship solemnly in the holy month of Ramadan which will be held next week.

He suggested that restrictions on operating hours for nightclubs should only be allowed until 21.00 or a maximum of 22.00 WIB.

Later, even though operating hours are limited, he appealed that workers' wages should still be given in full.

"The night holiday should be closed first, even if the type of business is in the restaurant, it's until nine o'clock or ten at night," he said.

In addition to operating hours, he also appealed to the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency to supervise all entertainment activities by cooperating with the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP).

If a violation is found, then strict sanctions must be given.

"Hopefully it can be monitored by Satpol PP so that there are no unwanted things," he hoped.

Previously, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government temporarily closed nightclubs and massage places ahead of Ramadan 1445 Hijri.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Disparekraf Andhika Permata in Jakarta, Sunday, said that a number of types of businesses will be regulated during Ramadan to honor the holy month and Eid al-Fitr in 1445 H/2024 AD.

The rules regarding operating hours and types of businesses are contained in Circular Number e-0003/SE/2024 concerning the Implementation of Tourism Businesses in the Holy Month of Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr in 1445 H/2024 AD.