Implementation Of Healthy Children Supports The Social-Emotional Development Of Small Ones To Grow Into Great Children

JAKARTA - It is important for parents to understand that every greatness of children starts from a healthy digestive channel. This is because the digestive tract is one of the important organs in your Little one's body that plays a role in supporting overall health, it can even affect the mood or emotional social. So that maintaining the health of the digestive tract as the second brain and the holistic health foundation is the beginning of the child's optimal growth and development at every stage of his age.

In commemoration of Social Emotional Learning Day, PT Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera (Nutricia) through the digital Bebeclub platform invites all parties, especially parents, to jointly support the development of socio-emotional children so that they can grow up to become great children.

The formation and development of the digestive channel system is very important to note, because the digestive channel system is a complex organ. In the digestive channel system, there are about 70 percent of the immune cell components and there are more than 100 - 500 million nerve cells that affect the nervous system, as well as mood and saturation settings. In addition, as long as the digestive system is also a place for more than 100 trillion digestive tract microbiota.

Consultant's Pediatrician and Gastrohepathologist, Dr. dr. Muzal Kadim, Sp.A(K) said, maintaining the health of your little one's digestive tract can become a overall child's health foundation in the future.

"Therefore, it is important for Mother to maintain the health of the little one's digestive tract starting from the period of formation and development," he said, quoted Monday, March 11.

Cerna channel as the brain of the two humans or the entertainment nervous system (ENS), has an important influence in the growth and development of a child. Because, the brain and digestive tract are interconnected as gut-brain axis.

"This axis let-brain function can affect brain performance to maintain overall body health, where optimal absorption of nutrients in the intestines can be an intake to support optimal brain performance and support the immune system. In addition, healthy intestines can also affect children's socio-emotional, because about 90 percent of serotonin is produced by cells in the intestines and will flow throughout the body through blood circulation which plays an important role in regulating mood or mood, even appetite," explained dr. Muzal.

Given the importance of intestinal health to support the development and performance of the brain and the health of the child, the daily nutritional intake must be fulfilled properly.

"In addition, to keep the number of bacteria in the child's intestines balanced, it is necessary to provide prebiotic intake which is usually widely contained in food sources such as fruits, vegetables, vegetables, milk, nuts, and several types of vegetable roots or can also be sourced from other nutrients that contain prebiotics such as FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides) and GOS (galacto-oligosaccharides) which will serve as food for these good bacteria. In addition, to support the optimal development of the child's brain, it is also important to complement long-chain fatty acid nutrients such as DHA, AA and ALA/LA," added dr. Muzal.

With healthy digestion, children will have a good mood to support their emotional social learning process. Because positive emotional conditions can improve children's knowledge and skills.

For this reason, in addition to ensuring healthy children's digestion, mothers must also pay attention to and stimulate children's socio-emotional developments properly according to their age stages. The cognitive development of children is something that is not only about gaining knowledge, children must also develop or build emotions and mentality.

Consultant Child Specialist Grows Flower, Prof. Dr. dr. Rini Sekartini, Sp.A(K) said that children's social and emotional developments are usually still ignored by other parents, teachers, and caregivers.

"Parents and teachers must understand that children with healthy emotional development are those who can express themselves in a positive way. Because, social and emotional developments in early childhood are how they are able to manage and express various emotions, both positive and negative," he explained.

To equip children with the skills they need to express themselves in a healthy way. Parents and teachers must be able to support children to develop social and emotional skills from an early age. Social-emotional developments refer to changes in behavior caused by certain emotions that surround early life and are experienced through interaction with others.

"Children will learn actively through interactions with their peers and adults around them as well as environmental exploration. This is a process in which children learn to adapt to situations and emotions in their interactions with others, by listening, observing, and imitating the behavior they see. Sensitivities to each other's feelings are also an important part of the socio-emotional development of everyday children," explained Prof. Rini.

Seeing the importance of socio-emotional development of children, in commemoration of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Day or Emotional Social Learning Day, Nutricia Indonesia through Bebeclub invites parents to better understand their little ones' emotions and teach them social skills in order to have a big heart to share kindness and help others. help with his friends.