There Were No Casualties When The Fire Burned The 4th Floor Of The Harapan Bunda Ciracas Hospital

JAKARTA - Head of East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman, said that there were no casualties in the fire incident at Harapan Bunda Hospital, Ciracas, East Jakarta. He explained that the burning object was on the 4th floor, with an area of 24 square meters.

"The object caught fire in the server room on the 4th floor. The area of the burning area was 24 square meters," said Head of East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman when confirmed, Thursday, March 7.

Luckily, as a result of the fire, no patient became a victim because he was successfully evacuated when the fire broke out.

"Alhamdulillah, the victims were zero. We arrived at the TKP and all the patients had been evacuated. All of them had gone down, they had left the room," said Head of East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman when confirmed, Thursday, March 7, evening.

During the process of extinguishing the fire, officers had difficulty because of the thickness of smoke in the 4th floor hallway of the burning area.

"The difficulty above is just thick smoke, and we have to go inside to the hotspots. If it doesn't go to the hotspots, it will never be finished (the smoke). Thank God it can go to the hotspots, put it out," he said.

Gatot said that although his party managed to extinguish the fire, his party was still carrying out the cooling process at the burning object.