Lemigas Also Maintains The Reliability Of Electricity Supply

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Task Force also maintains the reliability of electricity supply through monitoring turbine conditions in order to produce excellent power generation performance.

Head of the Lemigas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ariana Soemanto stated that turbine maintenance is the key to ensure the operation of the power plant runs well.

"Lemigas is one of the most competent parties in monitoring the condition of the turbine," he said in his statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, March 7.

For this reason, according to him, a seminar entitled "Turbine Oil Condition Monitoring ASTM D 4378" was held on Tuesday, March 5.

He said seminars are a joint step to explore monitoring of the condition of turbine oil based on ASTM D 4378 and provide knowledge and insight, which is beneficial for turbine, laboratory, and practitioner operators.

"At the same time, targeting industry or manufacturing players who use turbine machines as power plants," he said.

Ariana also explained that turbines have an important role for power plants because they convert fluid energy from fuel burning to mechanical energy driving power generators.

The "Turbine Oil Conditioning Monitoring" seminar includes explaining the stages of maintenance and monitoring of turbine engines ranging from protection, preventive to reactive.

The preventive maintenance is carried out so that conditions do not occur that require corrective action, so that it will cause greater losses, both in terms of costs and disruption of plant operations as a whole.

"One of the goals of this activity is to introduce Lemigas' ability as a lubricant testing laboratory, which is complete including new turbine lubricant oil and used (used oil)," explained Ariana.

Ariana also explained that monitoring conditions in the prevention category can use ultrasound, thermography techniques, lumbus oil analysis, and vibration analysis.

The analysis of the turbine's lumass oil refers to the specifications of SNI 7069-14:2019, which focuses on the characteristics of viscosity, oxidation resistance, carat prevention, the ability to release trapped air, and the content of acid compounds.

"With the monitoring of the condition of oil palm turbines, of course it will provide support and contribution to economic activities related to the production process in the industrial and automotive sectors," said Ariana.