Ammar Zoni Sells Instagram, Irish Bella Gives Relief Paying Rp. 500 Thousand Per Month

JAKARTA - Ammar Zoni filed an appeal against his ex-wife Irish Bella some time ago. One of the main focuses of Ammar filing an appeal is that it is related to the living requested by Irish Bella.

Irish Bella demands a living of Rp. 10 million per month plus the cost of children's schools to Ammar. However, it turned out that Ammar objected to this because of his condition which is currently being detained for drug abuse cases.

"In essence, in the memorandum of appeal, the point is that the attorney said that Ammar Zoni objected to the divorce, he did not want to accept the divorce," said Irish Bella's attorney, Emile Oemar, quoted by VOI from YouTube Intense Investigation, Wednesday, March 6.

Seeing this, Emile Oemar said that his client gave relief to Ammar. Where Irish allows Ammar to provide a living of IDR 500 thousand per month.

"Well, therefore, yesterday Ibel (Mirish Bella's nickname) gave us an answer if in essence this appeal was deemed Ammar objected to the decision of the Depok PA, which stated that Ammar had to provide a living of Rp. 10 million plus children's school fees," said Emile.

"Even if Ammar objected, Ibel understood because now his position is the same as his objection at the time of the initial lawsuit. Now he is being held again, so Ibel gives leeway, understanding to Ammar if he really objected to paying Rp 10 million per month, it's okay if he only wants to pay Rp 500 thousand per month," he concluded.

It was previously reported that Ammar Zoni was seen selling his Instagram account. This has been confirmed by Ammar Zoni's attorney, Jon Mathias some time ago who said that the account was sold for Rp. 3 billion.

"Indeed, we met Ammar at the Resort Police, so I asked him if it was true that he wanted to sell his IG account. He said, "Yes, sir," said Jon Mathias by telephone on Thursday, February 29.

"If I heard the price last night of Rp. 3 billion, he opened the price," said Jon again.

However, he emphasized that the sale of his client's Instagram account was not due to economic factors or Irish Bella's demands to Ammar, which had to provide a living of Rp. 10 million per month plus the cost of children's school.

"It's not an economic factor, once again I will straighten it out, it has nothing to do with the economy, of course, now we'll see it's normal, right, it means it's not because he's imprisoned, it's enough," explained Jon.