Meta Admits Disturbances On Instagram And Facebook

JAKARTA - Meta, the parent company operating the well-known social media platform Instagram and Facebook, recognizes any disturbances that have occurred in its applications. This disruption was reported by a number of users since 22.07 WIB, with many users reporting it via the disruption monitoring site, Downdetector.

In his response to the situation, Meta stated, "We know that some people are having trouble accessing our previous apps. We apologize for any inconvenience that may have occurred, and we are grateful for your patience while our team is working quickly to resolve this problem!"

We know some people were having trouble accessing our apps earner. "Aplogies for any inconvention this may have caused, and thank you for your character while our teams worked quickly to resolve!"

This disruption has caused some users to have difficulty accessing and using Instagram and Facebook, two very popular platforms around the world to share photos, videos, and social interactions.

Meta's technical team has worked hard to fix the glitch and restore services as quickly as possible. However, Meta did not provide specific details about the cause of the disturbance.

Users around the world are encouraged to remain calm and patient while Meta continues to fix this problem. Over time, it is hoped that access to Instagram and Facebook will fully recover.

At this point, there is no information about how many users are affected by this interference or how long it will take to fully correct it. We will continue to monitor the development of this situation and provide more information as Meta updates are available.