XL And 3 Enter The Opensignal Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2024

JAKARTA - Global cellular analytics company Opensignal has re-released a recent analysis report entitled "Opensignal Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2024", highlighting cellular operators in the world.

Based on this report, two opsels from Indonesia, namely XL and 3, are included in the ranks of cellular operator service providers in the Game Experience category.

Together with au and SoftBank from Japan, Indonesia and Japan are the only countries in the Asian region that are included in the Game Experience category in the 2024 Global Leaders list.

XL got a score of 78.8 and 3 left slightly with a score of 78.5. Meanwhile, Au and SoftBank from Japan each had a score of 82.1 and 81.8.

Not only that, 3 and Telkomsel are also included in the Global Rising Star 2024 list in the Download Speed Experience and Upload Speed Experience category.

On a 120% scale in Upload Speed Experience and a 400% scale for Download Speed Experience, 3 Indonesia got a score of 60.7% on the Download Speed Experience category and 48.8% on the Upload Speed Experience category.

Meanwhile, Telkomsel, which has always succeeded in representing Indonesia from year to year in terms of speed, currently has a score below 3 (Tri) of 47.6% in the Experience of Download Speed and 35.9% in Upload Speed Experience.