North Korean Hackers Attack South Korean Chip Manufacturers

JAKARTA - A hacking group from North Korea has successfully hacked at least two manufacturers of South Korean chip manufacturing equipment. North Korean hackers tried to avoid sanctions and produce their own semiconductors for weapons programs. This was said by South Korean spy agents on Monday, March 4.

This news comes after South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol warned that North Korea could carry out provocations, such as cyberattacks or spreading fake news, to disrupt parliamentary elections in April.

South Korea's National Intelligence Agency (NIS) said South Korean companies had been the main targets of North Korean hackers since late last year and sought tighter security.

According to NIS, North Korea hacked servers of two companies in December and February, stealing product designs and photos of their facilities.

"We believe that North Korea may be preparing to produce its own semiconductors facing difficulties in obtaining it due to sanctions," NIS said in a statement.

Another push for North Korea's efforts could be a higher demand from satellite programs, missiles, and other weapons, he added.

Pyongyang has always denied involvement in cybercrimes, although North Korea has often been accused of cyberattacks that make millions of dollars.

NIS also stated that hackers used a technique called "moving off the land," which minimizes malicious codes and uses existing legal tools installed on the server, making it difficult to detect with security software.