China Successfully Collapses First Tibet Goat With Somatic Cell Cloning Technique

JAKARTA - Scientists in China have announced that they managed to clone the first Tibetan goat using a somatic cell cloning technique, which is the same as the technique used to create Dolly the sheep, the world's first cloned animal.

This cloning process involves transferring the core of a cell from an adult cell to a new egg, which is then implanted into the mother which then gives birth to a child that has DNA from the donor. The first goat born from this process weighs 7.4 pounds and is considered healthy.

Scientists claim that cloning is done to preserve and recover genetic material from goats with superior quality in the population. They hope this technology can help farmers improve the quality and quantity of their livestock.

This cloning is part of China's efforts in developing animal reproductive technology to increase agricultural products and help farmers increase their income. However, experts have voiced ethical concerns regarding the use of this cloning technology, especially when applied to humans.

This claim came after an earlier announcement that China managed to clone rhesus monkeys and reached the age of two in good health. This research is part of the efforts of Chinese scientists in developing animal cloning and reproduction technology for the benefit of agriculture and science.