Minister Of Communication And Information Budi Arie Setiadi Discussed The Settlement Of Documents For Using The CAKRA-1 Orbit Slot With IT At MWC 2024

JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi discussed the acceleration for the completion of the CAKRA-1 satellite orbit slot (filling) document together with representatives from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).In Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024 at Barcelona, Budi accompanied by high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics discussed with the Secretary-General of the Republic of America-Martin and Director of the Radio Communication Bureau Mario Maniewicz. Aboutconcern Indonesia is carrying out digital transformations.'' We need to get support from an international institution. It is committed to continue to assist Indonesia in carrying out digital transformation,'' said Budi in his written statement, Saturday, March 2. In that discussion, Budi stated that the Government of Indonesia is trying to optimize satellites as a technology to monitor national maritime resources. Therefore, the Government of Indonesia hopes that it can approve the submission of the CAKRA-1 fillingsatellite which will be used to monitor the maritime conditions of Indonesia by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Indonesia asks for that assistance to accelerate the evaluation process and publication of the CAKRA-1 satellite, in order to match the planned launch of CAKRA-1 targeted at the end of June 2024, said Budi.CAKRA-1 is an Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite Satellite that will be used for various purposes such as fishermen and fisheries. Budi emphasized that breakthroughs in satellite technology need to be optimized to support the development of the national maritime sector. We are archipelago countries, our seas are wide so that it does require satellite-based communication facilities and infrastructure. It will follow up again,' he said.

Pembahasan mengenaifilingsatelit dengan ITU merupakan langkah administratif yang diperlukan sesuai dengan prosedur standar ITU agar satelit KKP bisa diluncurkan dan terlindungi.Kementerian Kominfo berupaya membantu peluncuran CAKRA-1 dijadwalkan pada 28 Juni 2024. Satelit CAKRA akan terdiri dari beberapa unit satelit dan secara teknis akan dibahas dalam pertemuan Kementerian Kominfo dengan ITU selanjutnya.Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Sekjen ITU Doreen Bogdan-Martin juga meminta Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah penyelenggaraan World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) Tahun 2025 yang akan dihadiri sekitar kurang lebih 1.200 orang.“Termasuk juga meminta Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah World Telecommunication Development Conference 2025. Nanti kita rapatkan dulu,” tutup Budi.