Different Opinions, Student Action Rejects Letter Rights In Front Of The DPR RI Building

JAKARTA Not only students who are members of several elements have participated in the impeachment of Indonesian President Joko Widodo alias Jokowi. Hundreds of students throughout Jabodetabek actually voiced different opinions in front of the DPR/MPR RI Building, Friday, March 1.

Although it went safely and smoothly, Jokowi's impeachment demonstration was criticized by other masses with different demands.

"All Indonesian students should not be provoked by irresponsible individuals like what we see here (in front of the DPR RI building), we students and student alliance movements here reject the right of inquiry and impeachment of the president," said one of the orators in front of the DPR RI Building, Friday, March 1.

The group of students rejected the president's impeachment because it was considered that there was already a regulated law.

"Because the president's impeachment already has a law. So we shouldn't intimidate the president like we are currently hot," he said.

"We, the solid student movement, reject the intimidation of the KPU and Bawaslu. We really support the KPU and Bawaslu to carry out this election process optimally," he said.