Compulsory Voting Of 92 TPS In Paniai, Central Papua Is Conducive, Now Recapitulation Of District Levels

JAKARTA - Member of the General Election Commission (KPU) Idham Holik said the follow-up voting (PSS) at 92 polling stations in Paniai Regency, Central Papua went smoothly and was conducive.

"The implementation of the follow-up vote in Paniai Regency went safely, smoothly, conducively and there were no problems," said Idham at the KPU Office, Jakarta, Friday, March 1, quoted by Antara.

He revealed that PSS Paniai Regency is entering the recapitulation stage of manual vote counting at the sub-district level.

Idham also expressed his gratitude to members of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) at 92 PSS Polling Stations in Paniai Regency.

"We would like to thank our KPPS colleagues at 92 PSS TPS in Paniai Regency," he said.

The 92 polling stations in Paniai Regency include, Kebo 33 TPS District, Aweida 12 TPS District, Muye 22 TPS District and Yagai 25 TPS.

Previously, Idham Holik said PSS in Paniai Regency, Central Papua, was held on Monday 26 February.

"The implementation of PSS in Paniai Regency, Central Papua Province at 92 polling stations will be carried out on February 26, 2024," he said.

He said PSS was carried out at 92 polling stations in the area, one of which was due to natural factors affecting logistics distribution.

"Natural factors in logistics distribution are the main factors for consideration," he said.