The Head Of West Papua Manpower And Transmigration Office As A Suspect Of Direct Corruption Detained By The Prosecutor's Office In Prison

MANOKRAWI - The West Papua High Prosecutor's Office has named the Head of the West Papua Province Manpower and Transmigration Service (Kadisnakertrans) with the initials FDJS as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of additional employee income funds (TPP).Head of the West Papua High Prosecutor's Office, Harli Siregar, said that the determination of the suspect FDJS was based on the results of the examination of a number of witnesses and evidence collected by investigators."Investigators found strong facts so that the suspect was identified," said Harli Siregar in Manokwari, Antara, Friday, March 1.The suspect FDJS was immediately detained at the Class IIB Manokwari Penitentiary for the next 20 days based on the order number Print01/R.2/Fd.1/03/2024.The detention of the suspect intends to speed up the investigation process into the alleged misuse of TPP funds at the West Papua Manpower and Transmigration Office for the October-November 2023 period."The suspect is being held as a detainee from March 1 to March 20, 2024," said Harli.According to him, the investigation into the case of misuse of TPP funds that dragged FDJS as the Head of West Papua Manpower and the power of budget users, is an entry point to uncover other alleged corruption crimes in the relevant agencies.This is in accordance with the report received by the West Papua High Prosecutor's Office investigators some time ago, then it needs to be proven through an examination mechanism regulated in statutory regulations."Of course investigators will dig deeper so that the motive for the case and the flow of funds can be clearly revealed," said Harli.He explained that the amount of TPP funds for the two periods reached more than Rp. 1 billion, and currently the prosecutor's investigators are still calculating state losses due to abuse of authority.The suspect FDJS was charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code."In this case, it is not the value of the loss seen but the rights of employees must be given according to their respective portions," said Harli.
Previously, the Special Criminal Team of the High Prosecutor's Office conducted a search at the West Papua Manpower and confiscated a number of documents as additional evidence, such as a letter requesting payment of TPP for the October-November 2023 period.Assistant for Special Crimes at the West Papua High Prosecutor's Office Abun Hasbullah Syambas said the two-term TPP budget had been disbursed 100 percent or Rp800 million by the West Papua Manpower and Transmigration Treasurer with the initials AN."We have asked the head of the service for information," he said.