World Water Forum In May 2024: 50 Thousand Participants Will Discuss Water, Science And Energy

YOGYAKARTA Indonesia hosted the World Water Forum (WWF) or World Ais Forum 2024. In fact, Indonesia became the first country in Southeast Asia to host the WWF event.

Quoted from the website of the Indonesian Cabinet Secretariat, the World Water Forum this year was held in Indonesia, precisely in Bali on May 18, 2024 and will be attended by 30-50 thousand people who come from various countries.

Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) as well as Person in Charge of the Program and Session of the 10th WWF National Committee Dwikorita Karnawati explained that this event was held with 244 sessions.

"So, this is a little bigger than the Conference of Party which is usually done in the COP term," explained Dwikorita at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 27.

Dwikorita said that this forum has three components, namely thematic process, regional process (regional process), and political process (political process). Thematic process are things related to sansion from the climate of water, food, energy, and health.

"Then it was also discussed from the political process aspect, so the results of the discussion of science were discussed, detailed, integrated with political discussions so that science thought could be implemented into the community. And there is also a regional process discussion based on best practices in regions-regions around the world, so it is hoped that the output or results of this discussion will be easier to execute, making state policies," he explained.

On this occasion, Indonesia encourages a declaration by ministers regarding water, climate, food, energy, and health resources. Not only that, Indonesia also encourages the establishment of a Center of Excellence on Water and Climate Resilience.

"So the alliance of centers that already exist in Asia Pacific or in the world will coordinate in Indonesia's coordination. This is one of the goals, the results to be obtained," he explained.

The World Water Forum is an international forum attended by stakeholders to discuss issues and water issues in the world, such as access to clean water, climate change, to discuss energy and food issues.

The forum will be attended by participants with various backgrounds ranging from political leaders, heads of state, multilateral institutions, politicians, academics, civilians, businessmen, and many more. This agenda is held every three years and has started since 1997. Meanwhile, this year is the 10th World Water Forum meeting.

This year WWF carries six subthemes, which is as follows.

That's information related to the World Water Forum 2024. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.