Bank DKI Achieves The ESG Recognized Commitment Award

JAKARTA - Bank DKI's efforts to maintain consistency in the implementation of sustainable finance by continuing to integrate the principles of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) through the implementation of various sustainable financial activities, have won appreciation in the form of awards from the B-Universal as Winners of the ESG Recognited Commitment category at the Investor Daily ESG Appreciation Night event which took place in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 27.

The Director of Compliance with Bank DKI, Ateng Rivai, who was present, received an award expressing his gratitude and appreciation for the award given to Bank DKI.

"This appreciation is a form of our commitment in integrating environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) factors into financial decisions, including increasing transparency in financial reports," said Ateng.

Bank DKI's success in winning the ESG Reconized Commitment Award is based on a number of assessment indicators, namely based on ESG risk decomposition and ESG report scoring carried out by Litbang Investor Daily with an independent jury and experts in the field of ESG. The appreciation measurement refers to the value published by the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2023 which has low risk, company products in accordance with ESG principles, community social activities carried out by the company, as well as certification owned by companies related to the ESG sector.

On a different occasion, the Acting (Plt.) President Director of Bank DKI, Amirul Wicaksono said, in relation to the implementation of ESG, Bank DKI has a strategic role as an agent of change in supporting the vision of the sustainability of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

"Bank DKI does not only play a role as a business entity, but also takes responsibility in public services by continuing to implement the Sustainable Finance Program by presenting invoation of products and services that support the environment, economy, social, and society," said Amirul.

President Commissioner of B-Universe, Enggartiasto Lukita in his remarks also appreciated the presence of company leaders who were considered to show the company's commitment in the ESG sector.

"ESG also has a law, which will be enacted later, with a carbon tax in 2025. Previously in 2021, it was postponed until 2025. That is what is united in one group to become a unit. So it is easier for mothers, fathers, and relatives to get certificates so that they are no longer disturbed in their business activities," said Enggartiasto.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary, Arie Rinaldi added that the success of Bank DKI in winning awards shows a commitment to the principles of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), one of which is carried out through the flagship CSR program, namely Jakarta Hydroponic Cooperative (JAKONIK).

"As Bank DKI's leading CSR, JAKONIK is expected to provide significant benefits for the surrounding community by improving the quality of life of the community and empowering the local economy. JAKONIK's success has proven to be able to help reduce social inequality and improve the quality of life as a whole," concluded Arie.

JAKONIK's Superior CSR Program

In addition to various public disclosure reports, Bank DKI also integrates the ESG principle in each company's CSR program, one of which is superior, namely, Jakarta Hydroponic Cooperative (JAKONIK), a CSR program that involves active community participation in developing hydroponic plantations based on community empowerment. Currently, JAKONIK already has nine groups of members spread across nine flats in Jakarta.

JAKONIK members have been provided with training and assistance to maximize crop yields and hydroponic business management from upstream to downstream, with the scope of roles as hydroponic marketing centers, hydroponic business mentoring centers, education service providers, facilities and infrastructure providers such as fertilizers, seeds and equipment.