Google Adds Directions Settings At First Time In Maps

JAKARTA In early February, Google Maps launched the Directions feature at first glance on Android and iOS devices. Now, Google is rolling out settings to control the feature.

The settings launched by Google are Directions at first glance when Navigating. Quoting from Android Police, this feature is available to users of version 11,116 Google Maps on Android and version 6,104.2 on the iOS operating system (OS).

To view Directions When Navigating, users must first open Maps Settings. After that, go to Navigation Settings and clicktoggle button to enable or disable the feature.

Google explains that this setting will help users within, "see your updated alarm and next turn, directly from your key route or screen summary. Navigation data will be collected to perfect Maps for everyone."

By activating Directions at first glance, Google Maps will show the route and estimate the time to arrive on the device's key screen. This route and time display will also be visible in the Maps application before the user clicks on the Start option.

The display of the At first glance Direction Guide feature is similar to the Google Maps navigation display that is turned on. This feature will also display route changes if the user takes a different path from the recommended route.

Another change that will be seen is the blue dot of the Maps user's location marker. Previously, the point that looked only plain blue. However, when the Directions feature was active, the point would turn into an arrow.