List Of Big Corruptions Handled By Artidjo Alkostar, Severe Verdict For Angelina Sondakh, Anas Urbaningrum To Akil Mochtar

JAKARTA - Indonesia has lost a great figure from the legal world. Artidjo Alkostar breathed his last at the age of 72 on Sunday, February 28.

The man who was born in Situbondo, May 22, 1948, has served as Chief Justice since 2000 and retired on May 22, 2018. During these 18 years, he has handled many major cases.

The cases of the Hambalang sports center project, bribery of imported meat, and bribery of the head of the Constitutional Court are some of the cases he has handled.

In the case of the Hambalang sports center project, Artidjo Alkostar has increased the verdict of the Democratic Party politician, Angelina Sondakh, to 12 years, Wednesday, November 20, 2013. Previously, she was sentenced to four years and six months.

Then, Artidjo also intensified the verdict against the former chairman of the Democratic Party, Anas Urbaningrum in a corruption and money laundering case for the Hambalang Education Training Center and National Sports School (P3SON) project, Bogor, West Java. Previously, Anas was sentenced to 7 years and increased to 14 years in prison.

For the bribery case, the head of the Constitutional Court, Artidjo strengthened the verdict of the Jakarta Corruption Court and the Jakarta High Court which sentenced Akil Mochtar to life imprisonment, the former chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK).

For that reason, Artidjo Alkostar is a frightening specter for corruptors. Because he did not hesitate to punish the corruptors with the heaviest sanctions.

After retiring, Artidjo Alkostar decided to join the Supervisory Board (Dewas) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said Artidjo Alkostar died from two diseases.

"He died of heart and lung disease," said Mahfud when confirmed by reporters, Sunday, February 28.