Gemini Can Now Access And Create Events On Google Calendar

JAKARTA Gemini, Google's Artificial Intelligence (AI) application, gets a new feature to access and create events on Google Calendar. Both can be done via voice commands.

Based on the findings of 9to5google, Gemini will receive orders as shown by my calendar and whether I have a calendar event to come. Once given an order, Gemini will feature pop-events from Google Calendar.

The view of the command shows my calendar is very simple. Users will only see the abbreviated date and name of the moon as well as the description of the event below. Google will also provide the Calendar Open option to users.

Meanwhile, the appearance of the event creation on Google Calendar looks quite normal. Users will be asked to enter the title, date, and timing of the event. When you want to save the event, users can say, "Add the event to my calendar."

This feature follows an update that Google added on February 21, which is a reminder feature for Google Tasks. Users can give various kinds of commands such as reminding me to throw garbage out tomorrow night or remind me to study.

Just like the access feature to Google Calendar, Gemini will feature a pop-upGoogle Tasks featuring commands from users. The commands recorded by Gemini can still be reorganized by users.

Access to Google Calendar and Google Tasks has actually been around for a long time on Google Assistant. However, this feature doesn't exist on Gemini even though the AI model has been integrated into Google Assistant. Google realizes that this shortfall needs to be fixed.

Currently, voice commands to view and create events are only available in the United States. Access to Google Calendar is still rolling out in stages so some Gemini users won't find the feature.